What is a cold laser therapy device for home use for dogs

There is no placebo effect in pets. We can’t give them a sugar cube instead of real medication and expect to see results. When a dog or any other animal is treated with a cold laser device, and it returns to a normal state or the inflammation and pain improve, it is obvious the treatment has worked.

Cold laser therapy is used successfully in pets, and the results speak for themselves.

What is a cold laser device, and how does it help?

Laser therapy, also called low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or cold laser therapy, uses visible light radiation to produce a photochemical reaction in the body’s cells.

These devices do not emit heat, and this is why people call it cold laser therapy. The area of your dog where you are using a cold laser device will not heat up or cool down.

Cold laser therapy can:

  • Reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Accelerate healing in damaged tissues.
  • Relax muscles.
  • Stimulate nerve regeneration.

During a session with these devices, a vet or you at home will align the laser transmitter device over the affected area. The low-level laser will penetrate your dog’s skin without causing any pain or injury. Your dog’s cells will absorb light energy and convert it into cellular energy, suppressing pain and reducing inflammation in the area. The whole procedure takes only a few minutes per session. Several sessions are required for visible results.

Dogs begin to feel better after one or two sessions, although five or more treatments are usually recommended to resolve the issue. Chronic and extensive lesions will require long periods of cold laser therapy to be remedied.

Potential benefits of cold laser therapy

In addition to the health benefits we mentioned earlier, pet laser therapy at home boasts the following:

  • It is a non-invasive technique – it does not require a surgical procedure.
  • It does not involve the administration of drugs.
  • It does not use strong impulses – the cells of the body are not affected.
  • It has no side effects when applied properly.
  • It’s painless.
  • It is non-toxic.
  • It provides a short recovery time – dogs can return to a lifestyle without pain and discomfort fairly quickly.
  • There are cold laser devices that can be used at home without having to go to the vet for every session.

The only potential disadvantage cold laser therapy can have is that improvement is not immediate and requires several sessions to see results.

In some cases, old lesions may worsen before they begin to heal. Usually, this phenomenon lasts for a few days.

How to use a cold laser device at home on your dog?

The technique may be different depending on the manufacturer, but it basically works on the same principles.

  1. Use the device directly on your pet’s skin, not through bandages or clothes, for a better result. You can also cut your dog’s hair in that area.
  2. Keep a distance of 0.5 inches between the device and the lesion in case of open wounds.
  3. Do not press hard on the affected area of your dog with the device, as it may not work.
  4. Place the cold laser device at a right angle to the area to be treated.
  5. Do not move the device back and forth while using it. Keep it still on the affected area until the time you set is over.
  6. The device is held for 6-8 minutes on the affected area twice a day to see results. Depending on the severity of the problem, treatment can last up to 3 weeks.
  7. Always consult your veterinarian.
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