Can Carrying a Puppy Harm It?

When you have a new puppy, it is really tempting to always carry it around because of its cuteness. But have you ever wondered how puppies feel when you carry them? Do you think carrying them can cause them harm? Well, carrying a puppy can harm it when it’s not done properly. There’s a safe way to pick up and carry puppies and knowing the proper way is not only safe for your puppy but for you as well.

If you often carry your puppy and want to know if it causes it harm, or if it’s your first time to own a puppy and you want to know if it’s safe to carry it, you’re in the right place. Today, we are going to discuss how to properly pick up and carry puppies so that you won’t cause them any harm.

Things Puppies Wish We Knew About Carrying Them

Before we give you tips on how to properly carry puppies, let us know first some of the things that puppies wish we knew whenever we carry them.

  • Our limbs are delicate.

Limbs of puppies or even big dogs are there to propel them forward with speed and agility. However, those limbs are not made to support their weight when they are carried. This means that lifting puppies by their front limbs is dangerous. This is commonly seen with young children playing with puppies. There are also some adults who put their hands under the armpits of the puppy just like carrying a child, but that is wrong as well. Carrying puppies by their front legs can strain their muscles and potentially dislocate a shoulder or elbow.

  • It hurts even when we do not react.

There are puppies and dogs that are more dramatic than others and they will not waste time letting you know if something bothers or hurts them. However, there are puppies that are quite stoic and can tolerate discomfort to a much higher degree before they protest. As a pet owner, you should know the basic signs of anxiety in a puppy to see if they are hurt when you carry them. Some of the signs that they are uncomfortable are avoidance, struggling, averting his gaze, and licking his lips.

  • Do not carry us by the scruff.

A lot of people think that carrying a puppy on its scruff is fine because that’s how mother dogs carry their puppies. However, that is not the case if we humans are to carry our puppies. Remember that mother dogs only scruff their puppies for a very brief period and does not continue as the puppies grow larger. Carrying puppies by their scruffs is uncomfortable and painful.

How to Properly Pick Up and Carry a Puppy

Carrying your puppy when out in public or while in your own home is a good idea to socialize them. However, they can also be squirmy little bundles. To avoid harming them, there are ways to properly carry them and here are some steps and tips how to. You can also check out legit beagliers for sale here. 

  • Picking Up Your Puppy

To pick up your puppy properly, squat down to your puppy’s level first. Then, place your dominant arm behind your puppy’s back legs and your non-dominant hand around its chest. As you lift your puppy up, its front and back legs will fold together a bit so that its body is resting in your arms.

Slowly pick up your puppy and stand up. Bring your puppy towards your chest to provide extra support for its body while securing it with your arms and removing excessive strain from your lower back.

Remember, do not puck up your puppy by grasping it under its front legs and lifting because that is painful. Aside from that, never pick up your puppy by its scruff because that is cruel and can cause irreparable damage.

  • Carrying Your Puppy Properly with One Hand

After picking up your puppy, stand still and move its body under your dominant arm. Then, take your dominant hand and place it under your puppy’s chest between its front legs, while securing her rear end between your side and arm. That way, you can safely carry your puppy anywhere.

Carrying your puppy in this position prevents it from being distracted by things going on behind or on the side of you because you are both facing the same way. Also, your other arm is free to grab anything such as treats, purse, or whatever else is needed.

  • Carrying Your Puppy Properly with Two Hands

If your puppy is heavy, you can carry it with two hands. Place one of your arms around your dog’s chest and your other arm around its rear end. This is also great when carrying a puppy or dog with injured backs, especially on the lower back. Make sure that both your arms are securely holding both ends of your puppy.

When carrying your puppy with two hands, never allow its rear end to dangle unsecured because that is extremely comfortable for your dog. It will most likely wiggle and scratch to get away and may have the tendency to fall. Also, securing both the front of its body and rear end keeps back and shoulder pressure to a minimum.  You can also consider a baby bjorn for dogs as well.

Interacting with puppies and dogs in a safe and humane manner can increase safety, build trust, and reduce injuries. One way of properly interacting with them is by carrying them in the right way. Yes, carrying a puppy can harm it if it’s done wrong. But if you follow the correct steps, they will be comfortable in your arms. We hope the information we shared will help you learn how to carry puppies properly.

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