Can Axolotl Can Be a Good First Pet


The axolotl is definitely not a typical pet, and it is as unique as its name. Axolotl belongs to the salamander family. Still, unlike salamanders, axolotls do not routinely go through a metamorphosis from the larval stage to the adult form. In short, they remain aquatic animals all their life. Axolotls come … Read more

Fennec Foxes: Do They Make Good Pets?

The fennec fox is a small but beautiful animal that belongs to the vulpine family. Although they are quite exotic, fennec foxes can be domesticated and kept as pets. They are similar to dogs. Still, they can take a while to be tamed; that’s why they require careful socialization at first. And … Read more

Ten Fascinating Facts About Reptiles

ExoticDirect pet insurance have collected ten of the most fascinating facts about reptiles. 1. There are four main reptile groups. These are the Crocodilians, which includes alligators and, of course, crocodiles, the Squamates which includes lizards and snakes, the Tuatara which look like lizards but differ in their bone structure, and the Turtles, which contains, well, turtles. Turtles and Crocodilians have … Read more

10 facts about chameleons

1. The biggest mistake people make about chameleons A lot of people think chameleons change their color based on their surroundings – sort of like camouflage. However, this isn’t true. Chameleons actually change their color due to a number of different factors, including their mood, changes in light or temperature, or the … Read more

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