How to help your pregnant cat to give birth at home?

Is your kitty the most meaningful thing in your life? You saw that she’s expecting a litter and you want to do everything you can to make this time easier for her? If this is the case, you should read our article where we present you tested methods that will help your pregnant cat. You’ll find out what to do to help your cat with the labor process at home. The ideas and solutions we’ve prepared are tested and guaranteed to work, so if your cat is pregnant, you necessarily have to read it!

Many people don’t know much about the symptoms of cat pregnancy, so we would like to kick it off with the most characteristic ones. People often miss the first stages of pregnancy because cats don’t have any visible changes. However, if your kitty is continuously restless, you might suspect that she is expecting a litter. Much like humans, cats might have morning sickness. If she is regularly vomiting its reliable indicator that she’s pregnant. The last but not least important sign is weight gain. If its significant (around 1-2kgs) you should be assured that kitty is expecting to give birth.

You might already know that cat pregnancy lasts about 60-70 days. So you still have plenty of time to prepare home for your queen giving birth. And there are many ways you can help her. But how should you equip birthing area? First of all, take care of the temperature. The room should have around 23 degrees celsius to avoid hypothermia. If you have such a possibility, let your cat have a separate room or some space where she won’t be disturbed. Try to isolate her from children when she’s in the last stages of pregnancy because cats become aggressive during that time. Build her a nesting box where she can comfortably lie and give birth. You can put a blanket there, so she feels good. The nesting box should be warmer than the rest of the room. If you can fix it, place the infra-red lamp next to the nesting box. Set it to 30 degrees celsius. The humidity of the room should be in the 60-70% range for your cat to feel good.

This time has come, and your queen is about to give birth. Your assistance with the birth process might help your pet significantly. When she is ready for this, she’ll hide in her box, groom excessively and purr loudly. When the contractions start and you notice a discharge of blood, it means that kittens are about to come into the world. Fix towels to clean kittens. Prepare another box to place those that are already born. Make sure there are blankets and some towels. It’s essential to keep it warm. The kittens will be inside amniotic sacs. Your cat should remove them, but if it doesn’t happen, you have to cut it with caution and stimulate the kitten to breathe by cautiously rubbing it, just like the mother with her tongue. It takes from 10 minutes to 1 hour to deliver one kitten. The entire delivery process lasts around 2-5 hours; however, sometimes it can lengthen even to 24 hours!

But, if two hours passed after the discharge and there’s no sight of kitten brood you should be alerted. It means something isn’t okay and you should visit the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. But most cat labors go smooth so let’s assume everything went well. What should you do next? Newborns will suckle on their mom. Sometimes it doesn’t happen though. And that’s why it’s good to prepare kitten milk beforehand. If your cat doesn’t lick the litter after feeding them, make sure to rub them gently with a damp towel to help them digest and boost the excretion process.

If you have children, make sure they don’t disturb your cat because she needs peace now. Keep the doors to cat room closed and don’t let her go outside because almost 20% of cats come into heat in less than a week after delivery. If she stays within the home, you’ll encourage her to take care of kittens.

When it comes to raising and taking care of cubs its best if you consult with the vet. You can also find reliable information on the Internet, for example here: Pet place will provide you with valuable information. It covers everything you have to know about health, food, water, toys and nursing cats.

Let’s hope the information that you found here helps you and your cat during delivery. It will reduce your cat stress, helps her feel relaxed and makes her love you even more for everything that you’ve done.

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