Dental Care for your Pet – Ways to Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Clean

Having a pet can be fun, but it is also a lot of responsibility. Your dog or cat is a member of the family, and like any other member of the family, there are certain things that your pet needs in order to be healthy and happy. If you have a pet cat or dog in your house and want to know all the things that you can do in order to take the best care of its dental health, then this article will be of great help to you. Let’s get started!

Reasons why you should take care of your pet’s dental health:

  • Clean and healthy teeth result in better breath
  • Your pets’ teeth wear out with time because they are tough on their teeth. Regular dental checkups can help prevent the pain of harshly worn teeth
  • Your pet dog or cat is good in hiding pain even if it is severely hurt. You might never know that it needs serious dental attention until the pain/disease is very advanced
  • Your pet can lose their teeth
  • The buildup of plaque on teeth can cause periodontal diseases
  • Your pet doesn’t know the difference between clean or dirty, it would eat food that is lying on the ground– hence, germs and bacteria stick to the teeth, and when your pet eats the food, all the germs could go inside with it causing a lot of other health problems. Regular dental checkups can help prevent several other health problems
  • A full-grown dog has 42 teeth and a full-grown cat has 30 teeth. Their baby teeth need to come out before their adult teeth grow in. Sometimes not all the baby teeth fall out, which can lead to problems like tartar buildup and gum irritation.
  • You might not be aware of this but dental diseases can lead to problems with your pet’s organs including the heart.

Some Tips to Care for Your Pet’s Teeth

What exactly does your pet need? While it is all true that your dog or cat needs to eat a healthy diet, do exercise, and have a yard to run around in, did you know that it is also very important to take care of your pet’s teeth? Here are some pet teeth care tips you can apply in order to keep their teeth healthy and sharp:

Dental Bones

Dental Care for your Pet

Pet teeth cleaning has never been easier than with a dental bone. These bones are made of one hundred percent natural ingredients that would not just keep your pet’s teeth nice and clean, but can also help with bad breath and promote healthy gums. Don’t worry, your pet will be more than happy to chew on one of these because they taste really good, and come in pet-friendly flavors. Chew treats can also work great here, however, you should check that the product you are buying carries the VOHC seal – this seal signifies that the product is according to the standards of VOHC and is effective when it comes to controlling plaque and tartar in pet dogs and cats.

Avoid giving treats like real bones, cow hooves, pig’s ear, etc. because all these can cause serious problems if ingested.

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Another best way to stave off any dental disease is at-home care. You should brush your pet’s teeth every day – doing it once or twice a week isn’t enough because dental disease-causing bacteria can recolonize on the tooth surface in a period of a day or 36 hours. But before you use your toothpaste on your pet’s teeth, you need to stop and think for a moment – is regular toothpaste really meant for your pet? The answer is NO because human toothpaste can be poisonous to a dog or cat. Did you know that there are pet toothpaste/toothbrushes available in the market that you can use on your cat’s or dog’s teeth? Well, here are some that we recommend for you:

To check if your pet dog or cat really likes the toothpaste, you can place a small amount of it on your finger and let your dog sniff and lick it. If it shows positive interest, that’s good, if it doesn’t, you can brush its teeth without toothpaste. However, there are lots of other flavors available, you can always try a different one next time.

You also need to brush the teeth in the right way – hold the brush at 45° to the surface of teeth, with the bristles pointing in the direction of gums. Work the toothbrush in a circular motion, just like you brush yours, but a lot more gently. And, don’t forget to brush the teeth in the back as well. Spend about 30 seconds on each side of the mouth. Your pet might also react in a harsh way, so start by simply getting your pet used to having its mouth touched. The key here is patience, and eventually, your pet can be acclimated to enjoying.

Regular Visits to Your Vet

Your veterinarian is the person who can really help you keep your pet’s teeth nice and clean. About 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats suffer from oral diseases over the age of 3 – taking your cat or dog to the vet on a regular basis can help a lot because if there arises a problem, you can deal with it way before your pet really gets sick or worse. Such treatment might also require multiple teeth being removed in order to stop the infection from spreading.

However, your pet’s teeth would never get to this point if you visit a vet for an annual or six-month examination. Upon a thorough examination, if there will be a problem, your vet will recommend a dental cleaning for your pet.

Feed the Right Diet Food

There are lots of dog/cat food available out there in the market, you should only select the one that is good for your pet. Commercial diets have showed improved periodontal health compared to dry food diets. Still, you can ask your vet for some recommendations.

Healthy and Clean Teeth Means A Happy Pet and Owner

There is nothing more rewarding than having a pet. It has been scientifically proven that having pet dogs /cats can help ease stress, and can make a person calmer and more relaxed. The important thing to remember about your pet is that they need care too, which includes a good diet, exercise, and proper care for their teeth. The best way to ensure that your pet has healthy teeth and gums is by brushing them regularly, letting them chew on dental bones, and taking them to a veterinarian on a regular basis.

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