Best Vacuum for Pet Hair

So you have a Siberian husky, and he’s always leaving his trail of hairy breadcrumbs to let you know your home. Of course, you eventually become unhappy with this and decide to vacuum this mess up, but wait. Is it not cleaning them up as you’d imagined? If that’s the case, then you came to the right place!

This review will provide you everything you need from the reasons for buying a vacuum, what to look for, what types of vacuums are out there and which one is ultimately the best.

What to look for?

When buying a vacuum suitable for pet hair, you should be looking at their specifications and qualities. With all vacuums they will either be lacking or have the features that tailored to your needs but how are you to know if they are the ones you’re looking for?

With pet hair clinging onto carpets for dear life, one feature, in particular, to look out for would be a vacuum with a high level of suction. By using a vacuum with a high degree of suction, cleaning up hairs will be done not only to better quality, but it will also reduce how frequently you have to vacuum.

Another aspect to look for when buying a vacuum would be to buy one that suits your preferences and needs.

For example, should you be the kind of person that is happy to empty out your vacuum several times each cleanup session and/or have a lot of small crevices to clean; then a smaller vacuum would be what you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you prefer to get the job done without the hassle of emptying your vacuum frequently and/or have a vast area to clean, then a vacuum with larger storage would be suiting.

As vacuums often now come in models custom-tailored for pet hair, customer reviews and ratings are what should be relied upon. You should be looking for positive and encouraging reviews from others whilst checking the rating of the vacuum to see what rank it holds over the competition.

We can all admit that we each have our preferred brand we will stand by with any product. But if you truly want to find the best vacuum for removing pet hair from your carpets, you will have to open your mind to alternatives. Though you may favor the Dyson brand, another brand may offer a more efficient vacuum specialized in removing pet hair, for example Roomba for pet hair is a good idea!

Factors of Vacuums


The two main types of vacuums are Upright Vacuums and Canister Vacuums. Besides, Vacuum Cleaning Robot is also a good choice for people who are a bit “lazy”(such as me). Each comes with their own array of advantages and disadvantages, both different suiting needs.

As pet hairs grip tightly to the fibers in a carpet, an upright vacuum is much more effective due to the high capacity of suction. Upright vacuums are generally less expensive than their canister counterpart and easier to store due to being compact.

Though canister vacuums do not hold the suction power of an upright vacuum, they instead allow for smoother movements and access to harder to reach areas. They may be more expensive generally, but when it comes to the hardwood floor, they hold first place for efficiency and they prevent the problem that can occur with upright vacuums, dirt scattering.


Vacuums with larger storage units – such as the Miele S7260 – may allow you to continue to clean up without fear of having to empty the gathering during a single session. The frequent downside to this is the lack of maneuverability and the likelihood of it being heavy to drag along. This is especially problematic for more frail individuals such as the elderly.

Opposing that would vacuum with a smaller storage unit such as the Dyson DC39. Though it is necessary to empty them several times each time you clean up, what it lacks in size, it makes up for in being lightweight and easy to pull along. These qualities make it optimized for those that cannot drag the heavy load of larger storage vacuums.

Noise Control

Remember that neighbor with the vacuum that almost broke your eardrums hovering? Well, you don’t want to be that neighbor, and with the information and advice on this site, you can avoid that catastrophe.

Frequently, due to their low-quality motors, vacuums designed for the removal of pet hair can be a nightmare with the sheer sound emitted.

Depending on the upright vacuum you purchase it or may not emit such sounds, but in comparison to canister vacuums, they are nails on a chalkboard. Canisters will almost always give you a more pleasant and quieter cleaning experience. Due to their smaller structures, the motor does not have to work as hard to power them effectively.


When buying your vacuum to tidy up that pet hair that has been plaguing you for so long, a high level of filtration should be expected. Without this, the fine particles of dust will go right out of a cleaner and back onto the floor.

Should you be living with someone with conditions such as asthma or allergies, this dust can be dangerous. To be safe, the best means of prevention are HEPA filters.



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