6 Australian Animals You Must See When Visiting

Do you love animals and want to see new and exciting species?

Australia is the perfect place for you since it is home to hundreds of unique and strange animals you’ll never find anywhere else.

From the cute to the ferocious, there’s a creature for everyone to appreciate. If you’re interested in learning more about these indigenous Australian animals, keep reading! We’ll go through all of the must-see critters you won’t want to miss during your next visit!

1. Kangaroo

There’s no animal more iconic in the realm of Aussie animals than the feisty kangaroo. With their big feet and perky ears, they’re the most recognizable of all the animals in this list.

The best part is that finding these animals is pretty easy. Find them in the wild, or check out popular zoos, such as the Wild Life Sydney Zoo, for an up-close-and-personal look at these powerful creatures.

2. Koala

Not far behind the kangaroo in popularity on any Australian list of animals are the koalas. Their fuzzy ears and long black noses give them a teddy bear quality that makes them a favorite on postcards and merchandise.

They’re hard to find in the wild, but there are sanctuaries in Australia dedicated to giving these guys a happy life. Check them out whenever you’re in the area!

3. Platypus

With its wide duckbill, furry body, and webbed feet, a platypus doesn’t look entirely real when you first see one. They’re a shy creature, so they’re a little more difficult to spot outside of specific parks, but they’re unforgettable once you get the chance to see them in person.

4. Whale Shark

If you’re a fan of diving down with the oceanic creatures, then you’ve got to take the chance to swim with the whale sharks. They’re striking with their patterned skin that they look like jewels in the water.

Don’t be afraid of these sharks despite their incredible size. They’re harmless to humans and they don’t mind sharing the water with curious swimmers.

5. Dingo

Dog lovers will enjoy finding dingoes out in the wild, done best on Fraser Island which is where these wild dogs love to walk along the beach. At first glance, a dingo looks a lot like any other kind of pet dog. After watching them for a little longer, however, you’ll soon see the grace and power behind those thin legs.

6. Quokka

Even though they have a name that’s hard to forget, quokka faces are even more memorable. They’re a marsupial animal that has an adorable face that looks like it’s always smiling. It makes them perfect for picture souvenirs.

They tend to live on Rottnest Island, so make sure to place that on your destination list. They’re nocturnal, so you’ll need to find a way to spot them in the dark.

Seek Out Australian Animals During Your Next Vacation

Now that you have unique reasons to visit Australia, join the millions of people touring the country every year. There are so many interesting Australian animals waiting for you down under that you’ll never regret choosing this unique country for your next vacation destination.

Everyone has to see the crazy platypus at least once in their life!

Ready for even more content full of animal trivia and facts? Check out the rest of our blog!

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