3 Harmful Substances at Home that Are Toxic to Your Pets

When it comes to the safety of your animal companions, you can’t afford to be oblivious to the dangers present around them. If you have been a dog or cat parent for a while, you understand that taking care of your pets does not end in giving them food three times a day or setting up a soft, cushy corner for them in your home.

Your household is filled with harmful substances for your pets, and they are not aware of these dangers. It’s up to you to keep a lookout and be aware of the toxic substances that can cause trouble for your animal companion.

Human Food and Medication Toxic to Pets

One of the hardest things to do is to deny your pet’s food when they ask for it — which is definitely understandable. Who can possibly resist those large, watery puppy dog eyes as they beg to have a bite of anything you’re eating at the moment?

But be mindful that food that is seemingly harmless to humans, as well as medications that help bring you comfort, can affect your pet in a different, more harmful way. They can suffer from vomiting and tremors if they happen to consume food with caffeine such as chocolate and coffee, macadamia nuts, grapes and their variants, and antidepressants.

They can also develop kidney failure from grapes and anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Chocolate may even cause seizures and possibly death while antidepressants can cause serotonin syndrome — causing raised temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure to your pets.

Toxic Molds

If you have a pet, always make it a point to keep your walls and household stuff free from molds as some of them are toxic and can cause health problems to our pets. When inhaled, ingested, or triggered an allergic reaction, toxic molds can be poisonous and can cause tremors and seizures. If treated too late, it can damage the liver, kidneys, bones, spinal cord, and brain.

Always keep a mold test kit and do a regular checkup of your house and household items to make sure your pets are safe from this danger.

Detergent and Insecticide

Your animal companions are a curious bunch. They put their noses and mouths on items that are not even food such as soil or metal. Most of the time, it’s just exasperating as you will have to clean them every time they play with the elements and substances around them.

But when harmful household substances such as bleach, detergents, pesticides, windshield anti-freeze products, and motor oils are involved, then that’s another story. Be responsible in using and storing your detergent and insecticides when your pets are around.

It’s your duty as a pet owner to keep that space free from harm. Arm yourself with the knowledge of all the food and substances that can be dangerous to your pets. Aside from that, always be mindful of how and where you store your household items.

Your pets can unknowingly smell and ingest chlorine because you left your cleaning supplies lying around. Keep your storage room or cabinet securely closed all the time. Ultimately, you just want your animal companions to be healthy and safe —happy in the environment you have secured for them.

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