5 Fascinating Sugar Glider Facts That’ll Make You Love Them Even More

Most people can’t imagine having a flying squirrel in the house. It turns out that sugar gliders make great domestic pets, as long as you know how to take care of them.

Sugar gliders got their name from their unique ability to glide from tree to tree in the wild. They also love eating sweets.

Along with these two tidbits of information, there are other sugar glider facts that may surprise you. Let’s go over five.

1. They Crave Companionship

Sugar gliders are naturally social animals. They live in colonies and even have a language used for communicating with other gliders.

This love of companionship is one of the reasons they make great pets. However, it’s better to get at least two. If a sugar glider gets lonely, they can become depressed.

An important sugar glider care tip is to always spend time with them. Neglect can lead to behavioral issues.

2. They’re Nocturnal

This is a fact you should consider if you’re thinking about getting a sugar glider. They’re nocturnal, which means they’re active at night and sleep during the day.

In the wild, sugar gliders hunt for food at night. Their large eyes help them see in the dark and allow them to pick landing points when gliding from one branch to another.

These are great pets if you’re a night owl or have a schedule that keeps you active in the evenings. Sugar gliders tend to get pretty noisy while awake.

3. They’re Marsupials

Sugar gliders are indigenous to Australia. Like many other animals from the country, they’re marsupials.

This means that when a sugar glider is born, it’s very small and underdeveloped. In fact, they only have a sense of smell at birth.

The mothers have a pouch the newborns live in for close to two months. They feed and continue to develop while in the pouch, never emerging until they’re ready.

4. They’re Built to Glide

To facilitate gliding, sugar gliders have a membrane that stretches from their ankles to their wrists. Called a patagium, this membrane acts as a type of wing that catches air.

When they jump, they spread their arms and legs to extend the patagium. This allows them to glide rather than fall.

Sugar gliders also have opposable toes on their hind feet. This allows them to grab and hold onto branches when landing.

5. They’re Omnivorous

We mentioned that sugar gliders like to eat sweet things. While this is true, they enjoying eating other things as well.

Omnivorous animals subsist on both plants and animals. Sugar gliders eat a wide variety of things in the wild.

Their diet consists of insects such as crickets, moths, and beetles. They even go after small lizards and birds. To fulfill their sweet tooth, like eat eucalyptus sap and honeydew.

Keep These Sugar Glider Facts in Mind

If you’re planning on getting a sugar glider as a pet, you’re in for a real treat. They’re happy little creatures and great companions.

Keep these sugar glider facts in mind and consider them when caring for your new friend.

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